My Commander
My Commander (MyCO) is "the small - smarter - fastest file manager in the world", archiver and ISO creator for Windows 7. Small and smart, MyCO uses less of your computer's memory while it's running.
CrossFTP is a free FTP, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, and cloud storage client. * CrossFTPs main features: Multi-tab Navigation; Unicode support; Bonjour Service Discovery; Archive browsing(.zip,.tar.gz,etc.
CrossFTP is a free FTP, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, and cloud storage client.* CrossFTPs main features: Multitab Navigation; Unicode support; Bonjour Service Discovery; Archive browsing(.zip,.tar.gz,etc.); Autoreconnecting and antiidle; and more.* CrossFTP Pro version is available by a license fee, which further features: MutliThread transfer; Synchronization; WebDav, SFTP, FTPS, Advanced Amazon S3/Glacier support; CouldFront and URL sign support; Remote file edit; FXP; and much more.
Productivity Developer Tools File Management
file-transfer-protocol amazon-s3 sftp file-transfer ftps google-cloud-storage file-exchange-protocol amazon-glacier