Simkl TV Tracker
Simkl is a TV, anime, and movie tracker that keeps a history of all the shows and movies you watch in one, central location.
The TCI is a measure of the similarity between two people's taste in films. The lower the TCI, the greater the tendency to agree on which movies ruled and which sucked.
the tci is a measure of the similarity between two people's taste in films. the lower the tci, the greater the tendency to agree on which movies ruled and which sucked.
once you've ranked a handful of movies at criticker, you can generate tcis with everyone in the community both normal users and published critics. it's better than just finding a few people with whom you generally agree criticker will show you the exact people whose tastes are the most similar to your own. it's scientific (kind of)!
want to see the details on how we generate tcis?
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social-network movies recommendations films recommendation movie-catalog movie-database film-list movie-recommendations