Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
A time, cost and profitability management tool for the financially focused agency CEO and their team. .
how it works? we keep track of the costs of worked hours. because we know people salaries + company overheads, so we can automatically calculate the costs for one worked manhour. once people tracking their time, they generating project costs (the costs of worked hours). and because we know a project budget, we can easily calculate the profitability and other financial metrics of projects, clients and employees. all in realtime.
what problem are we solving?to find out the profitability of a project takes a lot of time. you need the log of worked hours + project budget + hourly costs of every employee + fixed company overhead + spreadsheet where all that counts. the thing is that an smb agency has +200 projects per year. so people don't do that even if they eager to know those data. why? because they want to know if their work financially pays off. why? because they do the business because of profit.
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Productivity Business and Commerce
project-management time-management productivity-tool time-tracking budget-planner budget-tracking finance-software financial-management cost-management financial-reporting cost-forecasting profit-calculation cash-flow-management-online financial-prediction profit-and-loss revenue-management