made by the company behind wordpress , simplenote is an easy way to keep notes, lists, ideas, and more. your notes stay updated across all your devices. no buttons to press. it just works.
Conqu is an easy to use yet powerful task management tool designed to help you conquer your inbox and get things done.
conqu is an easy to use yet powerful task management tool designed to help you conquer your inbox and get things done. with conqu, you can organize the tasks by criteria that makes sense to you and then find the right task to do at the right time and place. whether you are a gtd pro or you just need a simple todo list, conqu will provide you with all the tools you need.
conqu allows you to assign a project, energy and time required to finish a task, and additional filtering criteria such as tags or contexts to any task.
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Productivity Business and Commerce Backup and Sync
project-management task-management task-manager todo-manager getting-things-done task-list-manager tasks Discontinued task-list task-lists list-manager