Terminator, multiple terminals in one window. The goal of this project is to produce a useful tool for arranging terminals. It is inspired by programs such as gnome-multi-term, quadkonsole, etc.
windows console emulator with tabs, which presents multiple consoles and simple gui applications as one customizable gui window with various features. initially, the program was created as a companion to https://alternativein .
windows console emulator with tabs, which presents multiple consoles and simple gui applications as one customizable gui window with various features.initially, the program was created as a companion to far manager .today, conemu can be used with any other console application or simple gui tools (like putty for example). conemu is an active project, open to suggestions.
conemu starts a console program in hidden console window and provides an alternative customizable gui window with various features:smooth and friendly window resizing;tabs for editors, viewers, panels and consoles;run simple gui apps in tabs;windows 7 jump lists and progress on taskbar buttons;easily run old dos applications (games) in windows 7 or 64bit os;thumbnails and tiles in far manager;normal, maximized and full screen graphical window modes;customizable window fonts;using 24bit colors in far manager 3.x;ansi x3.64 and xterm 256 colors;cursor: standard console (horizontal) or gui (vertical);optional perapplication settings (e.g. palette);vertical console buffer scrolling using the keyboard (bufferheight mode);show full output (1k+ lines) of last command in far manager's editor/viewer;customizable far manager right click behaviour (long click opens context menu);drag and drop (explorer style) of files and folders in far manager;limited support of bdf fonts;user friendly text and block selection;transparency and desktop mode;customizable starting tabs;configurable and clickable status bar;and more, and more...
Official Website
Customizable Portable Tabbed interface Support for Keyboard Shortcuts Create SSH users Quake style Split screen view
Productivity Developer Tools Utilities
customizable portable tabbed-interface keyboard-shortcuts-support command-line developer-tools tabs console create-ssh-users quake-style-terminal replacement shell shell-access split-screen-view