vijazedan simple notes
This is a simple app to create notes, save and load the notes from a fast list. Icons: icons8.com
Conboy is a note taking application specifically designed for Maemo. It is designed to be easy to use - yet powerful. Conboy can read and write the Tomboy file format to be compatible with Tomboy on Linux, Mac and Windows.
conboy is a note taking application specifically designed for maemo. it is designed to be easy to use yet powerful. conboy can read and write the tomboy file format to be compatible with tomboy on linux, mac and windows.
featuresconboy is under active development, the current stable version has the following features: fulltext search over all notes text formattings like bold, italic, small, big, etc. automatic saving of all changes (including cursor position) nested bullet lists with unlimited depth. linking notes with other notes automatically link to existing notes while you type automatically create bullet lists if a line starts with a dash () or an asterix (*) search inside a single note notes are stored in the tomboy note format. so they are compatible with tomboy, gnote and tomdroid full screen mode text zoom last edited note shown on startup integrated with maemobackup portrait mode on n900 for reading and selecting notes automatically link to various urls like web pages, email addresses, etc. available in 19 languages sharing notes as html via bluetooth, email or online service synchronization with online services like ubuntu one and tomboy online
Productivity Education and Reference
notepad sticky-notes wiki notepad-replacement