JumpSeller makes it very easy for anyone to start selling online. Just upload your catalog, set up your payments account and shipping costs and you are ready to go.
Commerce Kickstart is Drupal Commerce packed with features that make it more complete, faster to launch, and easier to administer. It's free, supported by an active...
* encourages salescommerce kickstart makes shopping on your site a joy. it presents your products in a clear and compelling way, then guides the customer through the satisfaction of a completed sale.
* accelerates developmentcommerce kickstart can take weeks or months off of your development time, giving you an earlier working "proof of concept" and a faster time to market.
* simplifies administrationmanage orders, products, and customers through a consistent and intuitive interface that you can customize to fit your needs, workflows, and legacy systems.
* bends to your willevery part of commerce kickstart is changeable, usually without coding. need help? tens of thousands of drupal developers have the skills to do what you need.
* looks great on any devicea commerce kickstartbased site uses responsive design to fit all screens, from iphones to desktops. change the design as you like while keeping its amazing shapeshifting properties.
* opens the door to possibilitiescommerce kickstart is based on drupal, the opensource contentmanagement system that’s used by brands including cartier, nike, royal mail, and over a million other websites.
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multi-language open-source-projects shopping-cart e-commerce drupal online-business ecommerce-system online-store