Rocket.Chat is a Web Chat Server, developed in JavaScript, using the Meteor fullstack framework.
Collabe is a robust collaboration platform that powers teams to seamlessly communicate.
collabe is an ideal tool for any company size or industry and is quite effective in really boosting your collaboration efforts, resulting in significantly improved efficiency and productivity of your team members, as individuals and as a collective. the software focuses on driving productivity and efficiency by ensuring that the 3c’s of productivity is well covered and maximized – coordination, collaboration, and communication.
collabe is a perfect collaboration platform for enterprises and organizations that field a globally distributed workforce, enabling them to come together to a single, centralized environment regardless of their location and time zones and work together as a welloiled, very coordinated group.
you can create private rooms where you and your team can work away without any distraction and friction, especially if your are dealing with confidential projects that contain sensitive information. you and your team members can toil with the assurance that they have a transparent view of all the details of the project but remain secure from unauthorized individuals and parties without the proper permissions.
delegate information to your team based on their roles, projects, and more by creating public and private groups. collabe lets you set general information, common tasks, and shared lists for easy public access or create a private group where you can share classified information seamlessly and securely.
Official Website
file-sharing office-productivity messaging group-chat team-collaboration productivity-app collaboration-software productivity-tool team-communication communications-software group-communication