Monitor over 6500+ Cryptocurrency in Real Time with Arbitrage Oprtunities and Alerts through Email, SMS, Desktop and Web Notifications.
Tap & watch ads for free cryptocurrency. With a market full of scam apps, we're determined to become what they aren't! Full payouts within a few days of reaching goal. You play, we pay. It's that simple!.
how does it work?
you tap. we pay. it's that simple.reach the target number and get paid out in cryptocurrency.
want to make more and speed up the process?watch ads to get paid at a higher rate and get to your target faster!
once you've reached the target number, you will need to enter your email and your public wallet address. we will receive the data and you will get paid. it's that simple!
at the moment, we are only paying out in litecoin (ltc). keep an eye out for future updates with more cryptocurrencies!
disclaimer:this is not an actual mining application. payouts based on the number of users using the app and are paid by and from the developers. if you want to install and use coinbox miner, you should be confident that such activity is lawful in your country. if you download and use coinbox miner, it means that you accept our rules and agree that you assume responsibility for any rightful troubles you may face. we are not responsible for similar problems.
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