Sublime Text
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose - any kind of text file. You'll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features.
A simple programmer's editor with a tightly-integrated console. It's excellent for rapidly prototyping code with its super fast edit-run-edit -run-save...
a simple programmer's editor with a tightlyintegrated console.
it's excellent for rapidly prototyping code with its super fast editrunedit runsave workflow, and its cocoa integration gives it a real edge over the command line.
it has syntax highlighting and code completion for many languages, including applescript, c, c++, java, javascript (node.js), lua, objectivec, perl, php, python, ruby and shell, but you easily add the ability to *run* any language you like.
for the person who's always writing a bit of code here and there to do little things that would take too long or be too tedious with finder etc. or for developers looking to prototype fairly simple code, coderunner will be a great help.
Syntax Highlighting Code completion Applescript
javascript syntax-highlighting prototyping development php code-editor perl lua java python ruby programming code-completion rapid-application-development programmers-editor objective-c shell repl applescript