Visual Studio Code
Code combines the streamlined UI of a modern editor with rich code assistance and navigation, and an integrated debugging experience – without the need for a full IDE.
Codenvy let's developers contribute to a project in seconds without installing software. Modify, run and debug code in the cloud or on-prem with no software to install.
codenvy let's developers contribute to a project in seconds without installing software. modify, run and debug code in the cloud or onprem with no software to install.
our magical oneclick automation lets devops provision developer workspaces that are simply shareable and securely managed. developers then use our crazy fast, nothrashing ide to craft their finest code and command dockerbased microservices to build and debug from anywhere. based on open eclipse projects, codenvy is offered as saas, onpremises and white label.
supports java, js, php, python, android and more.
Official Website
Java IDE Support for NodeJS Cloud IDE
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