Exsoul Web Browser
Exsoul Web Browser makes your browsing faster and richer and has usability which ensures the comfortable Internet use. Features: - Go back or forward across several histories at once. - Search contents on several search engines.
CM (Clean Master) Browser is an ultra lightweight mobile browser which can protect you from malicious threats and still give you rapid browsing speed.
cm (clean master) browser is an ultra lightweight mobile browser which can protect you from malicious threats and still give you rapid browsing speed.
features: browsing speed acceleration • preload mechanism to speed up browsing fraud prevention • warns you when browsing potentially fraudulent or malicious websites. malicious download protection • scans apk file downloads for malware, keeping your device secure user agent • supports user agent switching to access desktop sites speed dial security & privacy • donottrack settings • option to keep history, cookies, and passwords saved page translator text search font size adjustment personalized bookmarks gesture control for video playing card tabs for multitab control search engine switch
Productivity Utilities Education and Reference Video Web Browsers
mobile-browser lightweight speed-dial malware-protection switch-user-agent browser-acceleration built-in-translator speed-up-browsing