The Best 71 CloudMe Alternatives

  • Oneye

    Oneye is a takeover of the legacy series one from the eyeos project. This new project is powered by the community around the web desktop eyeos one. We feel responsible...

    Free Open Source Web

  • CloudTop

    CloudTop is a continuation of CloudMe Desktop which no longer offers web based operation system/desktop. CloudTop uses CloudMe for storage as well as for authenticating users.

    Free Web

  • TheDataLocker

    theDataLocker gives you 30GB of free online backup storage allows you to store, backup, retrieve and share any computer data and mobile phone data over the internet to a secured remote system.

    Commercial Web

  • CommonClip

    CommonClip is a super simple file sharing platform. We’ve made it incredibly easy to use and kept only the most essential functions for file sharing. CommonClip lets...

    Commercial Web

  • EasyBytez is a file hosting provider. It offers online storage/remote backup capacity, sophisticated uploading and downloading tools. With you can...

    Freemium Web

  • Fileburst

    Fileburst is a cloud storage file hosting with global CDN providing file downloads and live video streaming services.

    Commercial Web

  • MyGOYA

    MyGOYA is a free online operating system. Your own personal desktop can be accessed from any Internet PC in the world and includes e-mail, chat, filesharing, calendar...

    Free Web

  • Woopiti

    Woopiti is a free universal file manager that allows you to access all your files no matter where they are.

    Free Windows Android Windows RT Windows Phone Xbox