Vivaldi Browser
A browser for our friends. Fast, feature rich and highly customizable that puts the users first.
CLIQZ is a Firefox-based browser with a built-in quick-search and a new Anti-Tracking technology for better privacy protection.
cliqz is a firefoxbased browser with a builtin quicksearch and a new antitracking technology for better privacy protection.
start typing a search query into the address bar of the cliqz browser and you'll instantly see just a selection of website suggestions. these are based on our own, independent search engine. if you are looking for more, the enter key will take you to the alternate search engine of your choice.
cliqz delivers a realtime stream of the most relevant articles, stories, and videos videos based on your interests, social connections, language and location.
how does it work? you tell cliqz a little bit about yourself—from the news sources you read, to the topics you’re interested in, to the people you follow on twitter. cliqz then gathers and prioritizes content, making sure you stay on top of what’s most important to you, whether it comes from a traditional source or an unknown blogger.
as you read, you decide whether a story is worth recommending, and by passing it on to others, you enhance its relevance. with cliqz, you find, share, and shape the news.
Official Website
Firefox extension Privacy Protected Based on Firefox No Tracking
Productivity Utilities Education and Reference Video Books News Web Browsers File Management
firefox-extension web-browser share-links news sidebar privacy-protected news-aggregator web-search firefox-based share-news no-tracking