My Commander
My Commander (MyCO) is "the small - smarter - fastest file manager in the world", archiver and ISO creator for Windows 7. Small and smart, MyCO uses less of your computer's memory while it's running.
Classic FTP is a FTP client that allows you to manage, upload, download and delete files from a remote server.
classic ftp is a ftp client that allows you to upload, download and delete files from a remote server. the interface is designed to look and feel like a traditional ftp client.
upload or download files quickly and easily with features like "mirror and upload" to scan a selected local folder and upload any files that do not exist in the selected remote folder, plus synchronize navigation of local folders with remote folders to reduce the risk of uploading files to the wrong folder. classic ftp supports the file transfer protocal via the internet, local network and external hard drives.
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools Backup and Sync File Management
synchronization file-transfer-protocol ftp-support file-transfer ftps ftp-servers