Dicty Lite
Say one or more sentences for Dicty to convert to/from text. Can sent text to WhatsApp, SMS or e-mail or copied and used in any other application that accepts text. ...
Chrome Speak, select the text and right-click to speak with offline tts engine - Select text and select "Read the selected text" from context menu.
chrome speak, select the text and rightclick to speak with offline tts engine
select text and select "read the selected text" from context menu. it works on long texts and it is offline, so it can be faster select "stop reading" from context menu to stop current reading. be translated into almost all languages.
chrome speak provides native support for speech on windows (using sapi 5), mac os x, and chrome os, using speech synthesis capabilities provided by the operating system. on all platforms, the user can install extensions that register themselves as alternative speech engines.
to change the system default native voice, please go to windows for example:choose start > control panel > ease of access > text to speech.click the text to speech tab and choose your options.
ps: this extension translated by "google translate" if your language translation have mistakes please tell me in the follow reviews..
Google Chrome extension Text to Speech
chrome-extension text-to-speech