FireAlpaca is the image editor that can be used readily and easily. We made it possible to provide the completely free download, in order for our products to be experienced by more users from all over the world.
Chasys Draw IES is a suite of applications including a layer-based image editor with animation, icon editing support and super-resolution via image stacking (Chasys Draw...
chasys draw ies is a suite of applications including a layerbased image editor with animation, icon editing support and superresolution via image stacking (chasys draw ies artist), a multithreaded image file converter (chasys draw ies converter), a fast image viewer (chasys draw ies viewer) and a raw camera file processor (chasys draw ies rawphoto). the whole suite is uac aware and is designed to take advantage of multicore processors, touchscreens and peninput devices.
the three pillars of chasys draw: character (no photoshop imitations here), performance (fast, efficient and stable) and innovation (new techniques and outofthebox thinking)
the software is developed by john paul chacha in nairobi, kenya.
Productivity Phots and Graphics
image-editing image-viewer graphics image-converter