YellowPosts helps you to post free classifieds ads in your city for gadgets, restaurants, hotels, real estate, services, activity, business details and multiple other things around the world.
Channels is a simple way to post about, find, and chat about anything quickly and anonymously. No sign up, no ads, no menus!.
channels is a simple way to create posts about any topic (something for sale, event, trip, something funny, rant, etc) which is then automatically geotagged with your location or any location you choose on the map. once its created, users can scroll around the map and/or perform tag & category based search to find channels they're interested in like yours, subscribe to that channel, and immediately group chat with you and all other subscribed users. channels are therefore just location based posts with an embedded anonymous group chat.
Productivity Social Networking and Admin File Sharing
chat-clients social-network anonymity group networking post category channel interesting navigate plan-trip