Remove or manage a new and uncommon kind of cookies, better known as LSO's.The BetterPrivacy safeguard offers various ways to handle Flash-cookies set by Google, YouTube, Ebay and others... .
Remove or manage a new and uncommon kind of cookies, better known as LSO's.The BetterPrivacy safeguard offers various ways to handle Flash-cookies set by Google, YouTube, Ebay and others... .
UnMHT adds MHT file reading/writing support to Firefox. MHT (MHTML, RFC2557) is the webpage archive format to store HTML and images, CSS into single file. UnMHT provides following features: * Save webpage as MHT file.
Annotary is the easiest way to remember what you read and research online and share it with colleagues.
Update Scanner is a Firefox extension to monitor web pages for updates. Useful for websites that dont provide Atom or RSS feeds.
FEBE (Firefox Environment Backup Extension) allows you to quickly and easily backup your Firefox extensions. In fact, it goes beyond just backing up -- It will actually rebuild your extensions individually into installable .xpi files.
For those who have not yet been introduced, meet the Proxomitron: a free, highly flexible, user-configurable, small but very powerful, local HTTP web-filtering proxy.
CloudMe is a free and open service to sync, store and make all your files available in the cloud through an easy to use Blue Folder.
Immunet free antivirus is an antivirus based on the Clam AV Engine, plus 2 cloud based engines (SPERO and ETHEROS).
Wimi is the ultimate productivity tool. It integrates all the essential applications to facilitate teamwork. Wimi saves time to managers and entrepreneurs working with teams and clients.
Jungle Disk is a leading provider of online storage software and services, leveraging the Amazon S3 platform and Rackspac infrastructure to provide easy to use and cost effective online storage and backup to our customers.
Dead simple to use personal kanban board application. Works offline in offline mode, no internet connections ever required. Free, can be used commercially. Built-in configurable timer (work/short pause/long pause intervals, sound).
SynWrite is a free source code editor and notepad replacement for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
OpenDrive is a remote drive for your computer, that allows you to store, sync, share, link, sell, advertise or back up files from your computer on the Internet with free 5GB. Desktop application is easy remote access to your files.
qutIM - free open-source multiprotocol ( ICQ, Jabber/GTalk/Ya.Online/LiveJournal.com, Mail.Ru, IRC ) instant messenger for Windows, Linux, MacOS X, OS/2, Symbian, Maemo/MeeGo, Solaris and *BSD.
Automatic, 100% secure password manager and form filler. Stop forgetting passwords, and login automatically! Get Sticky Password - it's FREE. Works on Windows/Android/iOS.
We Heart It lets you create an online album (a heart) with your favorite images and videos. At the same time you can see what other people are adding to their own hearts and save it on yours to grow your collection.
Internet Download Accelerator effectively solves three of the biggest problems when downloading files: speed, resuming broken downloads, and management of downloaded files.
Camino (Spanish for way/path/road) is a free, open source, GUI-based Web browser based on Mozilla's Gecko layout engine and specifically designed for the Mac OS X operating system.
With a single click on the lamp button, the page will fade to dark. And automatically focus on the video. By clicking on it again, the page will return to normal.