Chameleon Window Manager
Chameleon Window Manager will allow you to control the windows of your programs using customizable buttons added to the title bars of the windows (Always on Top...
Chameleon Window Manager will allow you to control the windows of your programs using customizable buttons added to the title bars of the windows (Always on Top...
Annoyed by the display getting dim when you're reading or watching something? What if the computer could “see and hear” you? By using a combination of heuristic...
VBoot allows you to boot a physical computer from a single virtual disk file in VHD/VMDK/VDI/Raw format. Each file contains a single operating system.
Scan and remove viruses fast - Removes viruses others miss. Prevent Viruses before they infect your PC - Online updates mean no more worries. Free Upgrades & Online Customer Support - Stay protected all year.
The Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus provides a fast cloud-based virus protection for both PCs and Macs. This lightweight product has an outgoing Firewall integrated and can be run next to another AV or another Firewall.
MiniCopier is a multi-platform graphical copy manager. It lets you queue different transfers, resume a copy that has failed, limit the speed or pause the copy. If a transfer fails, an error is logged and the rest of the queue is treated.
Super lightweight (~ 1/3 MB) yet flexible and powerful soft keyboard. Plus an English plugin still less than 1 MB. (Swype ~15 MB, Minuum ~18 MB, Google Keyboard ~15 MB...
Canonicals on-screen-display notification agent, implementing the freedesktop.org Desktop Notifications Specification with semi-transparent click-through bubbles. ...
Customize Windows (Integrate cursors, themes, wallpapers or change files to improve Windows appearance) Remove Windows Components (Make your choice to reduce and adapt...
Context Menu Editor can view and delete links to programs on your context menus (the popup menus you see when you right-click). Context Menu Editor does not delete the...
Multibar helps you organize your programs, files and folders. It allows you to find the information you need in a blink of an eye either over the internet or on your PC.
Witch lets you access all of your windows by pressing a shortcut and choosing from a clearly arranged list of window titles.
Simple system backup and restore application with extra features. Systemback makes it easy to create backups of system and users configuration files. In case of problems you can easily restore the previous state of the system.
Full PC backup, extremely fast and allows to restore to a completely different Windows and computer. For example, restore programs, settings and files from a backup of Windows 7 32bit Dell to a Windows 10 64bit HP (without wiping it)
Custom recovery image for Android-based devices. It provides a touchscreen-enabled interface which allows users to install third-party firmware and backup the current...
Key Switcher is monitoring the keystrokes and detects the language of each word that you type. If the keyboard is set to a different language, it automatically switches...
This professional font editor allows you to create and edit TrueType and OpenType fonts. It has the powerful drawing tools that typographers and graphic designers...
FontStruct is a free font-building tool brought to you by the world’s leading retailer of digital type, FontShop. FontStruct lets you quickly and easily create fonts...
WindowsSpyBlocker is a set of rules to block Windows spy / telemetry based on multiple tools to capture traffic located in the data folder. An application is also available to perform several extra operations.
TaskSwitchXP is an advanced task management utility that picks up where the standard Windows Alt+Tab switcher leaves off. It provides the same functionality, and adds...