Living seamlessly in the menu bar Mountain allows you to manage volumes with ease. With Mountain you can mount, unmount or eject drives with two easy clicks. Unmount a single drive or eject all external drives at once.
Living seamlessly in the menu bar Mountain allows you to manage volumes with ease. With Mountain you can mount, unmount or eject drives with two easy clicks. Unmount a single drive or eject all external drives at once.
Min2Tray - a utility for MS WindowsTM NT and higher to minimize and hide a window to system tray area of taskbar as icon.
SmartSystemMenu extends system menu of all windows in the system. It appends next custom items to menu: * Information. Shows a dialog with information of the...
WuInstall is a command line tool that makes it possible to install Windows Updates on demand. This gives you full control over the patching process. You decide what...
The Microsoft Update Catalog is a website that offers updates for computers running Windows 2000 SP3, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 and later operating systems. ...
Maxidix HotSpot is a great tool that will help you to turn your PC into a fully functional HotSpot. Host infrastructure network, share Internet, boost weak WI-FI signal...
Par-N-Rar is a graphical utility which accepts a directory as input and will repair/verify any PAR/PAR2/SFV/MD5 files in that directory. Once it verifies a set of files...
PAR Buddy is a free Parchive (PAR) and RAR client which makes it possible to easily queue and schedule PAR2 check/repair jobs and RAR unpacking. PAR Buddy is...
Reads disk files or directories and stops on the first read error. There are two versions: a command-line perl script and a Java GUI.
What's Running is a product that gives you an inside look into your Windows system. Processes : Inspect your processes and find all the relevant details that you...
SecPod Saner is a light-weight, easy to use, enterprise-grade security solution for proactively assessing and securing your personal computer. It identifies security...
Harmful items (malware, spyware, viruses and Trojans) can impact device and Internet performance, slowing down connections and affecting usability. They also pose a risk...
Trebuchet Launcher by Cyanogenmod, modified to build in Android Studio as a standalone application.
Yandex Launcher lets you change your smartphone's interface quickly and easily. Wallpaper collections, themes, apps sorted by category, separate folders with widgets...
It is a fast, lightweight Android Launcher. It is free/libre software. The app has a very small APK size and currently requires no permissions.
Hangar is an Android app that provides easy, relevant shortcuts in your notification drawer to your most used and relied upon apps.
Make your home screen a canvas of hexagonal tiles that adapts to your most important apps. Let Hexy organize your home-screen automatically, saving you time when...
Rootless Pixel Launcher is a port of the Pixel Launcher’s features with some extras.
TeslaUnread provides unread count badges for Nova Launcher Prime and WidgetLocker. It will not work with other desktops or lockscreens.