FreeFixer is a general purpose removal tool which will help you to delete potentially unwanted software, such as adware, spyware, trojans, viruses and worms.
FreeFixer is a general purpose removal tool which will help you to delete potentially unwanted software, such as adware, spyware, trojans, viruses and worms.
Norton Security protects your most important device, whether it's a PC, Mac, smartphone, or tablet, from online threats such as malware and spyware.
Anti-Virus solution for protection against viruses, spyware and phishing attacks:24.95 USD; Features: Protects all communication channels (e-mail (POP3 /IMAP), instant...
What is SpyHunter and How It Works? As malware continues to evolve and become more sophisticated to avoid detection by anti-spyware/anti-virus programs, SpyHunter...
ByteFence is the ultimate protection against crapware and bundleware that sneak in potentially unwanted programs and ads.
Cezurity Antivirus Scanner is a Cloud Antimalware on-demand scanner that can scan and detect all kinds of malicious software - including viruses, Trojans, spyware...
ZTerm is a terminal emulation program for the Macintosh. In its day, many people used it to connect to Bulletin Board Systems and download files. Now we have the...
RapidCopy is portable version of FastCopy. RapidCopy Features: - High-speed diff file copy by update date or filesize. - Stable copy(Ignore minor error). - Checksum verify copy. - Generate Log file (includes checksum).
QCopy is a file copier designed to assist the user in copying files to or from network locations over wired and wireless connections, although it also works locally.
Aranjepack makes it easier to get a computer set up after operating system (re)installation by packaging together useful applications. Most (but not all) applications...
Notifo is a mobile notifications platform empowering developers to build their own services with a scalable and reliable notifications API. The Notifo API is a simple...
Xbench was developed by Spiny Software to provide a comprehensive benchmarking solution for Mac OS X. Xbench is useful not only for comparing the relative speeds of two...
Measures both sustained and burst data transfer rates of your hard disks, cd/dvd-roms, flash cards/sticks, floppys, etc. Realtime graphical display.
Useful window arrangement ("snap-to-edge") utility that works well with multiple screens.
Did you know that digital photos contain hidden information - metadata tags - about the image, camera, photographer and location? These tags are created by digital...
Ratpoison is a simple window manager with no fat library dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations, and no rodent dependence. The screen can be split into...
Phoenix is a lightweight OS X window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript. You can also easily use languages which compile to JavaScript such as CoffeeScript....
pekwm is a window manager that once up on a time was based on the aewm++ window manager, but it has evolved enough that it no longer resembles aewm++ at all. It has a...
Context Menu Tuner is an application which allows you to customize Explorer's context menu in Windows 10, Windows 7, 8 and 8.1.