gatotray is a tiny CPU monitor displaying several stats graphically (usage, temperature, frequency) in small space, and tight on resources.
gatotray is a tiny CPU monitor displaying several stats graphically (usage, temperature, frequency) in small space, and tight on resources.
Currently in Beta: "WorldDesk leverages a unique patent-pending abstraction layer to decouple all aspects of a user's Microsoft Windows workspace from the underlying OS and device.
onedrive-uninstaller - A command-line tool for completely uninstalling OneDrive in Windows 10
AppDelete is an application for Macs that will delete the application you choose and any associated items (files and folders) that belong to that application. Now you...
TrashMe has drag-and-drop uninstall, a list of applications, widgets, preference panes and plugins to select from for uninstallation, and more. Main Features -...
Ubuntu's commitment to only include completely free software by default means that proprietary media formats are not configured 'out of the box'.
Moss is a live wallpaper, an alternative to Conky for Android. It provides system statistics such as uptime, cpu usage, network usage, top processes, and battery level.
The BitBar app lets you put the output from any script or program right in your Mac OS X menu bar. And it's completely free.
WinBar is a free and compact program that lets you monitor your system and provides easy access to frequently used controls. WinBar will run on Windows 2000 and newer...
Using its concise and appealing user interface, iPulse graphically displays the inner workings of OS X on your desktop, menu bar or Dock.
MiniUsage displays various data like CPU usage, amount of network flow, battery status and process names which uses much CPU time in a menubar. It takes little space and can display various data, so it's suitable for notebook.
Wysigot is far more than just a simple off-line browser! It captures the entire contents of your sites, with their scripts, flashes, cookies etc., but offers numerous other functions as well.
WebCopier is an easy-to-use website mirror utility. It allows to download entire Web sites, store them locally and view them later, at users' convenience.
MetaProducts Inquiry helps you to collect, organize and view the information you find on the Internet. It is fully integrated with Microsoft Internet Explorer and also available as a standalone application.
Do you want to read your favorite websites offline? If you're planning a long trip and still want to have access to your favorite sites, Maria allows you to download entire websites or single pages for later browsing without having...
*USE AT YOUR OWN RISK* NoCyFresh replaces the standard Cydia launcher of your jailbroken iOS device with an altered version so that you can disable the auto-refresh...
Control your Droid from your desktop with MOUSE and KEYBOARD. ShareKM is a very handy tool for Android that lets you share your computer's Mouse, Keyboard and...
Undelete deleted files and folders, recover files from formatted, corrupted, repartitioned and inaccessible storage media in step-by-step mode.
Restore your desktop when the icons get “rearranged”. Melba23 and I found we were working on very similar ideas to restore the Desktop icons to their normal place if...