The Best 2735 Security Alternatives

  • icon

    Download & Upload, share, track, manage your files in one simple to use Cloud Storage. 500 GB Storage Space for free.

  • Password Vault Manager icon

    Password Vault Manager

    Password Vault Manager lets you and your team centralize your organization’s passwords and credentials into one secure repository.

  • Pastee icon


    A pastebin for the security-minded : https & encryption out of the box. Pastes are not listed for added privacy and Paste IDs are carefully chosen .i.e. no incremental IDs. Lots of other goodes: cli client, API, own url-shortening etc.

  • CloudShark icon


    A web based platform that lets you view, analyze, and share packet capture files in a browser. Works in Safari for iPad and iPhone.

  • PowerBroker Identity Services icon

    PowerBroker Identity Services

    Application that joins Linux, Unix, and Mac machines to Microsoft Active Directory and securely authenticates users with their domain credentials.

  • UFS Explorer Standard Recovery icon

    UFS Explorer Standard Recovery

    UFS Explorer Standard Recovery software was designed with the aim to make even complex data recovery a simple procedure to be easily carried-out by both home users and professionals.

  • WebScarab icon


    There is no shiny red button on WebScarab, it is a tool primarily designed to be used by people who can write code themselves, or at least have a pretty good understanding of the HTTP protocol.

  • SpyHuman icon


    Cell Phone Tracking App for monitoring all internet activity on target Mobile Phone.

  • Olive icon


    Olive is our attempt to create a more open internet. Back in its early days, the internet had no artificial borders. People were free to access the information they wanted to. However, with the passage of time, things changed.

  • VIPRE Antivirus icon

    VIPRE Antivirus

    VIPRE Antivirus is the light-weight and highly effective antivirus program that does not slow down your PC.

  • Toopher icon


    Toopher is the strongest, fastest, and easiest way to protect yourself from online fraud. Easily pair your phone with a Toopher-enabled service, and receive a push notification showing you the details of your request when you log in.

  • UltraVPN icon


    UltraVPN is a client/server SSL VPN solution based on OpenVPN. It encrypts and anonymizes your network connection.

  • NQ Mobile Security icon

    NQ Mobile Security

    NQ Mobile Security, formerly NetQin Mobile Anti-virus, provides you complete protection against viruses, malware and spyware.

  • Sxipper icon


    Sxipper is a free Firefox add-on that saves you time by keeping track of an unlimited number of usernames and passwords as well as the personal data you share every day over the web.

  • Skydur icon


    Skydur is an anonymous web surfing application that protects your identity and improves your web surfing speed and experience.

  • Intruder icon


    Intruder is a security monitoring platform for internet-facing systems.

  • Anti-Porn icon


    Anti-Porn is the best porn blocker (or "internet filtering and blocking software") that protect your kids from inappropriate websites.

  • PasswordMaker icon


    Passwordmaker creates unique, secure passwords that are very easy for you to retrieve but no one else. Nothing is stored anywhere, anytime, so there's nothing to be hacked, lost, or stolen.

  • Acrylic Wallet icon

    Acrylic Wallet

    Think of Wallet as your own flexible, personal database.

  • Firefox Send icon

    Firefox Send

    Send lets you upload and encrypt large files (up to 1GB) to share online. When you upload a file, Send creates a link to pass along to whoever you want.