The Best 2735 Security Alternatives
iptablesbuild is effectively a configuration manager for iptables. It is intended to manage iptables configurations in a centralized location for multiple systems.
Seamless compatibility iTunify assures a seamless integration with iTunes and takes full advantage of the latest updates of iTunes. Simple but powerful iTunify has...
Cryptocurrency 360
Live cryptocurrency market data on 2,000+ coins! Market cap, Price charts, exchange rate & more @ .
Simply Coin
Exchange cryptocurrency for the best price. No Account required, no fees. Bitcoin, Ethereum and much more altcoins. Check cryptocurrency market capitalizations.
HexBrowser is a tool that identifies file types. It does not care about the file extension, but opens each file to look for signatures so it can determine the exact type...
pb is a lightweight pastebin (and url shortener) built using flask. The official instance of pb can be found at Feel free to deploy pb elsewhere.
Have you ever want to use a pastebin service but feel that the staff you want to paste might not be secure to paste it on a public pastebin service? This simple python...
Rest Client
Rest Client feature rich rest client for developers to debug and test their RESTful web services. It can be used to request a URL using the following HTTP methods: GET...
Uthrottle is a tool which simulates custom connection’s conditions and limits the network traffic to a specified speed on network interfaces. In complex service...
PPLive Video Accelerator
PPLive Video Accelerator (PPVA) is a free program designed to help you watch video sites content seamlessly, without annoying pauses caused by the slowly loading buffer....
Proxy Switchy!
Proxy Switchy! is an advanced proxy manager for Google Chrome, it allows users to manage and switch between multiple proxy profiles quickly and easily.
If you frequently visit many web sites, chances are you have more than a dozen passwords. Theyre probably easy to guess, or worse, theyre written down someplace for easy...
Ascendo DataVault is the best-selling, best-rated, most comprehensive secure password manager for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Mac OS and Windows Desktops.
Doorman is a password generator that creates save and speakable passwords. Doorman generates RANDOM PASSWORDS - you can choose between letters in lower and upper...
An account and password manager for Windows, Mac, Linux, Windows Mobile and J2ME, LockCrypt keeps your data secure.
filechute makes sending files easy. just drag a file and drop it on filechute. filechute puts the file on your dropbox (or website)...
A blazing fast file transfer platform. Transfer files across browsers and command-line clients. ? Doesn't require signup or software installation ? Use your...