Salfeld Child Control
Your source for internet parental control software - monitoring and protecting your children with Child Control web filter and computer time limit and Internet timer.
Your source for internet parental control software - monitoring and protecting your children with Child Control web filter and computer time limit and Internet timer.
ProCon is a content filter for the Firefox browser that can filters any type of content on any web page. If left on default, ProCon limits itself to filter pages containing explicit content automatically, based on the text.
A freeware web filtering application with HTTP/S filtering and time controls for all platforms Linux/Windows/Mac/ARM (Raspberry Pi).
WebCensor is profanity filter for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. In addition, you can use it as content filter, as it uses not only the predefined list of...
Instead of blocking and forbidding, the application is teaching the responsibility and obeying the rules. Visikid is gathering information about visited websites and started applications.
It is a password-vault, text- and file-encrypter and password-generator for Android.
iPGMail is an app that implements the OpenPGP standard (RFC 4880, RFC 6637) and allows the user to create and manage both public and private (RSA, DSA, ECDSA) PGP keys...
AppCheck Anti-Ransomware is a software designed to prevent file-lock ransomware attacks that encrypt your files and keep them hostage.
Download torrents in style with this speedy, minimalist torrent client for elementary OS.
Marketing & Monetization Solution For Sponsored Mobile Data, 3/4G Networks, Wi-Fi, and Beacons.
FreeRADIUS is responsible for authenticating one third of all users on the Internet. Welcome to the FreeRADIUS project, the open source implementation of RADIUS, an IETF...
Unpaywall is a free browser extension for Firefox and Chrome that gives you a link to a free PDF when you view scholarly articles.
tsocks' role is to allow non SOCKS aware applications (e.g telnet, ssh, ftp etc) to use a SOCKS proxy without any modification. It does this by intercepting the...
ferm is a tool to maintain complex firewalls, without having the trouble to rewrite the complex rules over and over again. ferm allows the entire firewall rule set to be...
Safely split one digital asset to many others. Or simply convert one to another, or even just forward.
Coinwale is an instant cryptocurrency exchange with clear interface that provides the best prices for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more.
Identify files based on the libmagic database in your browser. HTML5/JS port of the "file" tool. No downloads, no installation and no uploads!