Repetitions is a cross-platform spaced repetition system (SRS), an intelligent flashcard application that makes learning and memorization easy.
Repetitions is a cross-platform spaced repetition system (SRS), an intelligent flashcard application that makes learning and memorization easy.
CEE is a 1:1 e-practice portal focusing on “Practice makes a man perfect” adage. It is a portal which helps overcome these challenges through unlimited practice tests...
The Digital Universe Atlas incorporates data from dozens of organizations worldwide to create the most complete and accurate 3-D atlas of the Universe from the local...
Online training software that allows you to teach anyone anywhere. A virtual classroom for audiences from 1 to 200.
This program is designed for those who want to learn interesting mathematical tricks to speed up the calculating. These tricks will help solve part of the mathematical...
Proven to help students get better math marks, StudyPug focuses on easy tips and tricks that crack questions that show up in homework or exams - or just...
Complete quizzes to prepare you for your GCSE while building virtual and beautiful temples.
We help students make educational and career choices best aligned to their unique natural potential to realise their dreams.
Free crowdsolver for complex problems. Using the problem tree analysis and an interdisciplinary approach.
AFB2 Reader completely free ebook reading application, you can collect unlimited number of titles in your Library and read them for you own pleasure. Application...
New DC comics. Featured DC comics. Read DC comics on your iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, Android, Windows, browser and more.
With the official Vertigo app from DC Entertainment, you can download and enjoy great comic books from our current weekly offerings, plus a vast library of...
Physics Formulas Calculator comprises a selection of 119 different calculators that will simplify calculations which have given you headaches so far. Complex...
Think calculator for Finance, Math, Geometry, Converter, Physic & Chemistry, Webtoolsm Date and time and more
Instant Opinions & Engagement Polar polls dramatically increase contributors, time spent, and more on Web sites and mobile apps.
YAM (You Ask Me) is a video Q&A app where you get paid to ask and answer questions in short videos. Get answers from interesting people in video format or answer...
An application for viewing StarDict dictionaries and dictionaries in Lingvo DSL format.
2450 free basic offline dictionaries in 50 languages available for download. In-built WordNet dictionary, the biggest English language free dictionary. Self-learning...