The Best 39198 Productivity Alternatives

  • Fast Vote icon

    Fast Vote

    Create free online polls using the intuitive and easy-to-use Create your web polls for free in seconds, no account required.

  • icon is a website that allow you to create easily and quickly polls or surveys with various options including ranking based vote, ip duplication checking...

  • CommCare icon


    CommCare is a free, open-source mobile platform that enables anyone to build mobile apps. .

  • All Deals Asia icon

    All Deals Asia is a magical combination of a group of seasoned entrepreneurs and fun individuals who are also deal hunters at the same time. Our journey began in July...

  • Amazon Local Merchants icon

    Amazon Local Merchants

    The Amazon Local Merchants app lets you scan and redeem vouchers quickly, so you can focus on what matters most for your business -- your customers. You can: • Scan...

  • Coupark icon


    Coupark - The best place to find group discount deals

  • Deal Compactor icon

    Deal Compactor

    Tired to receiving multiple emails per day from all your favorite group deal sites? Then let us compact them all for you into a single daily email!

  • HipMo icon


    Description It’s never been easier to attract customers to your store with social media. Using HipMo, you can create and share stunning social ads and promotions...

  • StreetDeal icon

    StreetDeal brings you the best daily deals in Singapore with amazing discounts from 50% to 90%. Choose your favorite deal and get your voucher today.

  • Amazon Local icon

    Amazon Local

    Get the app that saves you up to 75% on amazing offers from local businesses, national chains, and online merchants. Every day, we bring you deep discounts from...

  • Cloudiway icon


    Cloudiway is a unique SaaS migration and coexistence platform that allows businesses to move data and content from one environment to another. No software or hardware is...

  • Gygan icon


    Gygan is great for sharing large HD home videos and hi-res photos with your friends and family, or distributing software to your clients, partners, and customers. ...

  • Comet Backup icon

    Comet Backup

    Comet is advanced backup software for MSPs, IT Companies and Backup Providers. Featuring fast back and restore and the flexibility to deploy and backup to any location...

  • Vembu OnlineBackup icon

    Vembu OnlineBackup

    Vembu OnlineBackup is a purely cloud-based solution that is designed for SMBs (small,medium-sized businesses) and IT Managers to backup their Physical/Virtual machines.

  • Virtual Drive Backup icon

    Virtual Drive Backup

    Free Online Backup Software using Cloud Backup Services. Automatic scheduled backup or real-time backup. Fast backup and restore by using incremental backup and data...

  • Free Instant SEO Audit icon

    Free Instant SEO Audit

    This free SEO audit will let you know how you stack up against your competitors and how optimized your site really is. The audit researches your web page for more than...

  • SquadMail icon


    SquadMail lets you share email folders from your mailbox with groups and teams. Collaboration was never easier.

  • Contify icon


    Aggregates content on companies from news websites, company websites, blogs, regulatory portals, job boards, also add custom sources. Uses advanced machine learning and...

  • icon wants to provide a lean, performant and scalable API service to extract valuable keywords in an easy and developer friendly way. The hyScore team has several...

  • icon is a web-based platform that allows customers to extract data from the web. Using our API you can access data from your applications. Service has...