The Best 39198 Productivity Alternatives

  • track share icon

    track share

    Track anything that matters to you - Just one tap to enter data - Capture notes along the way - Share results & notes - View powerful graphs, spot trends -...

  • 🙋🏻 letmebring icon

    🙋🏻 letmebring

    Here you can create a free-of-charge online-bringlist for your event (e.g. a potluck, grill party, club party, vacation). Just fill out the form and send the link you...

  • Alarmed icon


    Apple iPhone Software Development

  • BlackWidow icon


    BlackWidow by SoftByte Labs Inc. scans websites (it's a site ripper). It can download an entire website, or download portions of a site. .

  • CreateSpace icon


    Through our services, you can sell books, CDs, and DVDs for a fraction of the cost of traditional manufacturing, while maintaining more control over your materials. We...

  • TenFourFox icon


    The power of HTML5, powered by Mozilla Firefox, the most trusted name in browsers. The ability to get the content you want with Reader Mode. The choice to remake the...

  • BlazingTools Smart Type Assistant icon

    BlazingTools Smart Type Assistant

    Are you working with texts every day, typing the same phrases over and over again? Often mistype? Smart Type Assistant is here to help! It's easy-to-use, time-saving...

  • CacheMyWork icon


    CacheMyWork is a handy utility that enables you to reboot Windows without losing your place in your work. It builds a checklist of currently open applications, and will...

  • Keyboard Cowboy icon

    Keyboard Cowboy

    Keyboard Cowboy is a hotkey shortcut manager that is both powerful and easy to use. It can launch applications, switch between them, open url schemes and open both files...

  • mdAxel icon


    mdAxel enables to define shortcut key for creating new folder and make possible to change some other stuff. There are some useful features like auto enter into just...

  • DealOz icon


    Save time. Save money. Discover. Search new and used books, textbooks, and ebooks using the most trusted shopping comparison site,

  • MyCase icon


    MyCase, the premier all-in-one web-based practice management software for lawyers, was built to address the number one complaint across all State Bar Associations......

  • Rocket Matter icon

    Rocket Matter

    Rocket Matter is the cloud legal practice management and time & billing system trusted by 1000s of law firms, and designed to boost revenue by more than 20%.

  • Username Buddy icon

    Username Buddy

    Generate Relevant Usernames when your 1st choice is taken. Great for Kik, Snapchat, Youtube, Instagram, Tumblr, and more. Find close match username alternatives and...

  • AudioNotes icon


    AudioNotes is a free Mac tool to easily record and share audio notes. Accessed conveniently from the menubar, you can quickly make recordings and once done, the app...

  • phpSitemapNG icon


    phpSitemapNG is a free Google Sitemaps generator written in PHP, but also generates RSS-based, txt-based and HTML-based sitemap files. It will spider your website and...

  • mark - flowcharts diagrams icon

    mark - flowcharts diagrams

    Mark makes drawing flowcharts and diagrams as easy as drawing with a pencil. It automatically converts shapes and text as you draw with Apple Pencil.

  • OmniFlow iBPM Suite icon

    OmniFlow iBPM Suite

    OmniFlow Intelligent Business Process Management (iBPM) suite strategically orchestrates advanced technological tools to model, deploy and manage mission-critical...

  • TeeChart NET for Xamarin.Forms icon

    TeeChart NET for Xamarin.Forms

    TeeChart Charting Controls for Xamarin.Forms offer the most common chart types, gauges and maps with customizable tools for data visualisation in mobile applications....