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The goal of the project is to collect information about how people use the internet – whether that’s through their computers, on their smartphones, or on their tablets....
Stringify is an award-winning IoT (Internet of Things) platform that lets you easily create powerful Flows to automate your home, wearable devices and network services....
This webportal facilitates the Delft3D Open Source Community to come together to share knowledge, brainstorm on new features and build working relationships. Delft3D...
Halcrow have developed ISIS Free so that it offers an integrated 1D and 2D modelling software package. ISIS Free has all the same features as ISIS Professional and ISIS...
The Awesome Help Desk App for any request. Mojo Helpdesk provides online helpdesk and ticket tracking software. Super Awesome Helpdesk Ticket Tracking + Knowledge...
Real time customer feedback and analytics Get real-time feedback on your support e-mails and helpdesk systems, start improving customer satisfaction and increase sales...
Live Chat by Social Intents is the easiest way to boost sales and improve customer service. Unlike other live chat solutions, our inexpensive pricing plans support... is a communication platform with live chat support and AI-powered functionalities for business, that helps you talk to your visitors, support them in real-time...
Ensure organisation continuity, produce required outcomes, and be positioned to support current and new processes efficiently and effectively.
An API that gathers social and whois data about a domain. It can also take a screenshot of the domain and logs historical screenshots. We provide a fast and reliable...
Pingbreak is an original and free monitoring service. Get notified through Twitter if your website is down. Pingbreak checks all of your websites each minute and alert...
Monitive delivers reliable, simple, efficient monitoring services for websites, MySQL, FTP, POP3, IMAP, DNS and many other. All this comes along with complete and...
Monitor Scout is a leading website and server monitoring company, with a wide selection of flexible, high quality services. The reliable web-based system monitors your...