The Best 2235 Online Services Alternatives
Domogik is a free (GPLv3) Home Automation solution. It allows you to: Controlling your lights, shutters, etc. Monitor your home (temperature, electricity, ...). ...
MIKE 11 is synonymous with top quality river modelling covering more application areas than any other river modelling package. Typical MIKE 11 applications: ...
SOBEK is a powerful modelling suite for flood forecasting, optimisation of drainage systems, control of irrigation systems, sewer overflow design, river morphology, salt...
WhatsHelp is a customer communication platform for messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. Chatting, broadcasting and bots are all in one place!.
My Hall Monitor
Engaging website visitors has never been easier. My Hall Monitor is an online, in-site Customer Engagement Tools Suite that enables a company to build better...
Qeryz is a pop-up, as-you-go microsurvey that you can put in any and every webpage you have in your website.
The website monitoring service that doesn't suck. Get an email when your website goes down. Statuses are available by email, web, RSS feeds and widgets.
Possibility to receive error notifications both to your Email, ICQ, GTalk or cell-phone via SMS; Possibility to receive specified (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly...
Simple to use website monitoring supporing both HTTP, HTTPS and web serivce monitoring service, with email and sms notificataion. Free Sign up!
Ping A Host
Check if website is online by sending a ping to the IP or URL - is it down right now - is it down for me only - is it down for everyone or just me - is it down or up
EZ Website Monitoring
EZ Website Monitoring provides keyword rank tracking, uptime monitoring, and error checking for your website.
Byet Internet Services
Byet Internet Services is an industry leading, privately held Internet services company specializing in web hosting Providing quality free web hosting, paid cPanel...
Skytap Cloud
Skytap provides cloud automation solutions for enterprises and software vendors to develop, test, migrate, evaluate, demo, and train on new and existing applications in...
DoBs is a movie manager where you can register and keep track of the movies in your collection. There is a borrowers-list so you know where your favorite movies went and...
HireOwl connects startups to talented university students for internships and freelance projects that boost productivity and growth.