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Webcron offers website uptime monitoring, plus the possibility of setting up and running cron jobs.
Google Compute Engine is not just fast. It’s Google fast. In fact, it’s a class of fast that enables new service architectures entirely..
From home repairs and moving to errands and cleaning, TaskRabbit finds you a trusted and skilled person to handle your tasks-when you want it and at a price you can...
VimFx is a Mozilla Firefox extension which introduces Vim-style keyboard shortcuts for browsing and navigation, significantly reducing the use of mouse, and allowing your hands to rest on the home row.
This site tries to gather open-source reimplementations of great old games in one place.
If you like to use Trello for personal organization (as they say, organizing everything), you will also like to have a website and control its content with Trello.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language The Noun Project is building a global visual language that everyone can understand. We want to enable our users to visually communicate anything to anyone.
Replaces your default New Tab with your favorite theme. Choose between more than 1000 different themes and 15000 pictures.
Media Temple hosts websites. Big and Small. For years we've taken complex technology and simplified it for the everyday website owner. Our products are designed to be powerful, affordable and relevant.
Softaculous is a great Auto Installer having 194 great scripts and we are still adding more. Softaculous is ideal for Web Hosting companies and it could give a significant boost to your sales.
A beautiful designed UI for a weather app. It shows the current temperature in the notifications bar, will also alert if any watches, warning are in effect in your area. It gives a weather fact when you open the app.
Mill has been created in order to provide an unmatched solution for startups, new businesses and individuals.