Share me Files
Easily and quickly send your files to other users without any registration. Just upload file and send a link or key to recipient, that's all, you can do it simply in...
Easily and quickly send your files to other users without any registration. Just upload file and send a link or key to recipient, that's all, you can do it simply in...
Intelligent File Sharing in the Cloud and on Premises Egnyte is the market leader in Adaptive Enterprise File Services that uniquely anticipate IT and end users'...
Private, Secure and Absolutely Free Nimbus is Your Personal Cloud for Raspberry Pi https://cloudnimbus.org/ .
DISCLAIMER: None of the files shown here are actually hosted on this server. The links are provided solely by this site's users. The administrator of this site...
an advanced torrent file creator with batch functionality, powered by libtorrent-rasterbar
Create torrents via command line! py3createtorrent is a comprehensive shell/commandline utility for creating torrents (Linux & Windows). It's a GPL-licensed...
fileai.com is a free web site that enables people to securely share files with one another that cannot be easily sent via e-mail. You don't need to download or...
slimrat is a command-line and graphical application for automated downloading from file hosters like rapidshare, http://alternativein .
Enter a world of epic fantasy combat! Battleheart distills some of the greatest elements of roleplaying games and real-time strategy into pocket-sized form! Create a...
minion provides premier addon management for games such as world of warcraft and http://alternativein.com/software/elder-scrolls-online/ .
Ark 22 is a full action-adventure title set in the distant future. An unidentified mid-orbit collision brings an exploration vessel to the surface of a frozen planet...
Bowling Evolution is a realistic and easy to play bowling game for PC and Mac with online highscores. We believe it is one of the most realistic bowling games available. Download it and try it out.
Transformers: War for Cybertron is a third-person shooter video. It is set on the planet Cybertron, prior to the Transformers' contact with the planet Earth. Robotic...
Plus+ is an addon for iOS games that connects you to a community of gamers like you. Have a completionist streak? Play to unlock every game award. Want to take on the...
GestureWorks Gameplay is a powerful tool for using and building Virtual Controllers to make games that would normally require a mouse and keyboard or external controller...
Game Informer is your source for the latest in video game news, reviews, previews and much more.