Neembuu Uploader
Neembuu Uploader is a batch uploader application that uploads files simultaneously to multiple filehosts and to users accounts and manage the download and delete URLs. Currently 34 hosts are supported.
Neembuu Uploader is a batch uploader application that uploads files simultaneously to multiple filehosts and to users accounts and manage the download and delete URLs. Currently 34 hosts are supported.
MixtureCloud was born from a simple idea: Store and secure your files to infinity. You can share and view unlimited. Use MixtureCloud to host free, easily share and view all types of files.
One Click Hoster downloader application. It simplifies and improves the process of downloading files from "free" file hosting sites like Rapidshare, Mediafire or Megaupload.
[andappstorewas re-branded into soc.io mall: soc.io mall ] andappstore was a non-google application directory.
Over the internet, or even a local network, sending files to other computers can be a pain. Papaya solves this problem. Drop a file or folder onto Papaya, and you get back an address through which others can access that item.
Online collaboration software for groups, coworkers, and teams to share documents and codify information into a best practices manual for all employees and new hires in order to accelerate business growth.
MDM is a simple yet powerful download manager, full of useful features that allow you to truly manage your downloads in an easy way.
iFiles is a file manager, document viewer, text editor, voice recorder, wifi drive, and more for iPhone & iPod Touch. Transfer files from your computer, carry them around with you, and share them with your friends.
Elefile was a file upload website that allowed you to send files that are too big for email. It allowed a user to send files up to 2 GB. Elefile encrypted files using AES if the user wanted security.
Joincube is a secure and private social network that integrates team collaboration, file sharing and gamification to improve your business productivity.
Lightweight Digital Asset Management solution, Business File Sharing, Corporate Image Library & Online Proofing in one integrated, secure and cost-effective solution.
TorrentFlux is a web-based system for managing bit torrent file transfers. It is an open source package (GPL) and developed for Linux, Unix & BSD platforms on the ubiquitous LAMP stack.
Photos, videos, documents and more you can send digital media of any size, to anyone, anywhere - FREE!
Send an unlimited number of files to any number of your friends. Unlimited single file size, no login needed. Pre-upload solution allows for a faster file transfer. .
AppSnap is an application that simplifies installation of software. It automatically figures out the latest version, downloads the installer and then installs the software in one seamless step.
Filepiper makes receiving large files seriously simple. Create a share, send it to your friends, family or clients, and receive files directly to your cloud storage account! We support resumable uploads of up to 5GB!.
Download thousands of premium assets absolutely FREE. You can also share your files with designers from all around the world and become a top creaTTor.