LibreTorrent is a Free as in Freedom torrent client for Android 4 and later, based on libtorrent. Download and share files directly on your device.
LibreTorrent is a Free as in Freedom torrent client for Android 4 and later, based on libtorrent. Download and share files directly on your device.
Turbo Download Manager is a multi-threading download manager for Chrome and Opera as a browser extension and for Android, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS as an stand-alone application.
Fast and easy file sharing, drop a file into the website and get a shareable link right away.
A network of communities based on trusted human certifications. Server(s) are allowing to manage crypto-currencies through an Universal Basic Income system on peer-to-peer network.
GoldBug is a secure Instant Messenger. You can be sure with using GoldBug (GB), that no third party can look into your chat communication. Private user-to-user communication remains private.
Hadouken is an open source BitTorrent client for Windows. It runs as a Windows Service and has a built-in web interface.
Share-Online.biz is a worldwide operating fileserving project. You're able to serve and share any type of document like pictures, movies and music with us.
Drag-and-drop any media file to an iOS device (without iTunes) for native playback. No iTunes needed. No Jailbreak required. No converters. Just drag it & drop it!.
premiumize.me allows you to use over 20 sharehosters with full speed and no wait time.
It's better than email because: - Private messages are end-to-end encrypted, always. - You have to follow somebody to get messages from them, so you won't get spammed.
Cloud Access to your Company Files without VPN, syncing or storing data in a public cloud MyWorkDrive is designed to integrate with existing enterprise storage to provide secure remote access to windows file shares using any browser...
Patchy is an open-source bittorrent client for Windows. Its goal is to be useful and clean, with no ads and always open source.
TEMP SHARE, is a dedicated web application to send, receive and store files for a limited period of time. The uploader can choose expiration time from 3 days to 2 weeks.
eMule Plus is a new generation eye candy eMule compatible client created to improve the original GUI and to bring you the best experience ever. Give it a try and feel the boogie. eMule Plus does not contain any spyware, adware or the like.
Softaculous is a great Auto Installer having 194 great scripts and we are still adding more. Softaculous is ideal for Web Hosting companies and it could give a significant boost to your sales.
Free online video conversion and download (Youtube, Google video, Metacafe), any media file format conversion (Documents, Images, Audio, Video & Archives), file sending, storage and swapping (up to 1000 MB to send or post it on any...
Novaroma is free open source software. You can search and download tv shows, movies and subtitles automatically. Also you can use Novaroma with dlna media servers (XMBC, Plex, Servio, PS3 etc.