The Best 2773 Education and Reference Alternatives

  • Peerlibrary icon


    PeerLibrary is an open source project developing a collaborative online community where scholars and researchers can discover, read, and discuss scholarly literature all within one site.

  • Lokalize icon


    Lokalize is a computer-aided translation (CAT) system that focuses on productivity and performance. Translator does only creative work (of delivering message in his/her mother language in laconic and easy to understand form).

  • icon

    Since the healthcare law took full effect this year, is now the new way for you and your family to get quality, affordable health insurance. HealthCare.

  • Emu8086 icon


    Emu8086 is a Microprocessor Emulator with integrated 8086 Assembler and Free Tutorial. Emulator runs programs on a Virtual Machine, it emulates real hardware, such as screen, memory and input/output devices.

  • Linux Counter icon

    Linux Counter

    The Linux Counter Project was created in order to revive and replace the good old Linux Counter Project on

  • KanjiTomo icon


    KanjiTomo is a OCR program for identifying Japanese text from images. It is optimized for accurate kanji recognition.

  • Exsoul Web Browser icon

    Exsoul Web Browser

    Exsoul Web Browser makes your browsing faster and richer and has usability which ensures the comfortable Internet use. Features: - Go back or forward across several histories at once. - Search contents on several search engines.

  • Bitfortip icon


    Bitfortip offers a unique use case thanks to Bitcoin. Use Bitfortip to: Find a item (i.e. a dress ) that you saw on a magazine,website, Pinterest or Instagram and you don't know where to buy it online.

  • Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing icon

    Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

    Mastering typing has never been easier than with the all new edition of Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Powered by Ultra Key. The award winning software program provides the most efficient way to learn and master typing fundamentals.

  • Type Fu icon

    Type Fu

    Type Fu is a website which provides a tutorial application for all those users who want to learn to type. It is absolutely free, and you do not have to pay anything for availing this service.

  • Hello-Hello Complete icon

    Hello-Hello Complete

    Learn Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Hungarian, Indonesian and Hindi in a single app.

  • Bible Analyzer icon

    Bible Analyzer

    Bible Analyzer Bible Software: Free Bible Study for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux, with Statistics, Word Lists, Audio, Text-to-Speech, and an Extensive Library.

  • Topcoder icon


    Topcoder provides members opportunities to demonstrate their expertise, improve their skills, and win cash, while helping real world organizations solve real world problems.

  • Koha icon


    Koha is the first free and open source software library automation package (ILS). Koha’s feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base. Full-featured ILS.

  • Calca icon


    A simple math notebook that calculates as you type, with powerful features such as equation solver and functions.

  • Amelia and Terror of the Night icon

    Amelia and Terror of the Night

    "Amelia and Terror of The Night" is an interactive graphic story book for all. Intellectually and visually interesting, filled with invention.

  • Paint +++ icon

    Paint +++

    Paint +++aims to fill the need for a basic, streamlined, and Mac-native image editor. Whether you need to quickly crop a photo, add some text to an image, or just have fun doodling, scrawl has you covered.

  • eFront icon


    eFront is an easy to use, visually attractive, SCORM certified, eLearning and Human Development Platform.

  • gKamus icon


    gKamus is a dictionary program, it translates single English word to it's Indonesian means and vice-versa, it's also equipped with fancy English Tenses, English Irregular Verb Tables and English Alphabet List.

  • Singular icon


    Singular is an open source computer algebra system for polynomial computations, with special emphasis on commutative and non-commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory.