The Best 2773 Education and Reference Alternatives

  • cdnjs icon


    Cdnjs is a free content delivery network for Javascript, CSS and images used in developer libraries across the web. Sponsored by Cloudflare on their 24 server network....

  • Brainyquote icon


    BrainyQuote is quote sharing and discovery platform that houses a massive collection of quotes, easily accessed through categories like Motivation and Leadership, or by...

  • ShareMeNot icon


    ShareMeNot is designed to prevent third-party buttons (such as the Facebook “Like” button or the Twitter “tweet” button) embedded by sites across the Internet from tracking you until you actually interact with them.

  • TheGoodData icon


    TheGoodData helps you browse the web anonymously by blocking thousands of trackers that watch your online activity.

  • Meduza icon


    Every day we bring you the most important news and feature stories from hundreds of sources in Russia and across the former Soviet Union.

  • The Wall Street Journal icon

    The Wall Street Journal

    Experience The Wall Street Journal's award-winning coverage, blending the best of print and digital.

  • The Economist icon

    The Economist

    The app is free to download and includes free access to the editor’s highlights - a weekly selection of six must-read articles from each week’s edition of The Economist.

  • TechNet icon


    TechNet is the home for all resources and tools designed to help IT professionals succeed with Microsoft products and technologies.

  • SpotOnTheMouse icon


    SpotOnTheMouse is a mouse pointer and keyboard action visualization software. It makes mouse clicks visible ,it improves the perceptibility of the mouse pointer &...

  • Fit Brains icon

    Fit Brains

    Fit Brains Trainer is an award-winning personalized brain games app that challenges you to perform at your best. Our brain fitness system has 60+ fun games, 500+ workout sessions & in-depth performance reports.

  • Gnome calculator icon

    Gnome calculator

    Calculator for the GNOME Desktop Environment, formerly known as gcalc (and gcalctool CLI).

  • SimilarAlternatives icon


    Similar Alternatives, This site is used to find the alternative software, apps, websites and other useful resources for existing one.

  • ResearchGate icon


    ResearchGate was built by scientists, for scientists. It started when two researchers discovered first-hand that collaborating with a friend or colleague on the other side of the world was no easy task.

  • Miraheze icon


    Miraheze is a wiki farm (hosts wikis) for free and with no ads, it also provides custom domains, extensions and many other features.

  • Wikimedia Commons icon

    Wikimedia Commons

    Wikimedia Commons is a media file repository making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to everyone, in their own language.

  • Paraview icon


    ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform application designed to visualize data sets of size varying from small to very large.

  • Swift Playgrounds icon

    Swift Playgrounds

    swift playgrounds is a beautiful and engaging way to learn to program with apple swift on ipad. it provides a fun and interactive interface that makes learning to code a delight.

  • note space icon

    note space

    Note space is a program in which to keep your written thoughts This space has these characteristics: It presents a very visual organization on screen; notes are displayed as arrays of cards It's safe and secure; it runs on your...

  • Dunno icon


    Dunno is a crowd-searching platform. Find bundles with results others have found useful. It's everything related to your search, selected by people who understand what you're looking for.