The Best 2773 Education and Reference Alternatives

  • CityFALCON icon


    Democratising access to financial news.

  • iSpring Free icon

    iSpring Free

    iSpring Free converts PowerPoint presentations to Flash or HTML5 while preserving the original look of your presentation. Retain all PowerPoint animations, transitions...

  • Windows Calculator icon

    Windows Calculator

    Windows Calculator, commonly known as Calculator from the application's title bar, is a calculation application included in all versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

  • colwiz icon


    colwiz is free software for researchers, academics and students. The iPad, iPhone and iPod touch version sync your research articles, attachments and annotations with the Desktop App over the internet.

  • ConnectedText icon


    ConnectedText is a powerful but simple information management system. It is based on wiki principles and is a free-form note-taking and note-management application that allows you to keep an unlimited number of notes in one or many files.

  • Tux Paint icon

    Tux Paint

    Tux Paint is a free, award-winning drawing program for children ages 3 to 12 (for example, preschool and K-6).

  • Pubble icon


    Pubble is the world's best Q&A platform. We make it simple and easy to add a great Q&A platform to any blog, website or Facebook page.

  • Swift Calcs icon

    Swift Calcs

    The Collaborative Computational Notebook Built for Modern Engineering. Enter math as it appears on paper, get instantaneous results, and share your calculations with colleagues and clients.

  • Wooclap icon


    A simple solution to interact with your audience during a live conference, a corporate meeting or inside a classroom.

  • BeeCanvas icon


    BeeCanvas is online whiteboard based visual project management tool. It’s easy and intuitive but very practical to use for team collaboration.

  • BBC News icon

    BBC News

    Download the official BBC News app for international audiences. Get the latest world and regional news from the BBC’s global network of more than 2000 journalists.

  • JSter icon


    JSter is a community-driven catalog of the most useful javascript libraries. Find the right tool for a work and do it effectively. Based on Juho Vepsäläinen's JSWiki

  • Aura icon


    The program shows its icon in system tray and plays real delectable sounds of a forest. A click on the icon turns on or off the sounding. Right click opens the Aura Control Board.

  • Player FM icon

    Player FM is a podcast player you can use in your browser. A podcast is a recurring audio programme delivered over the internet. Player FM makes it easy to discover and listen to online news and views on thousands of topics.

  • Overcast icon


    Overcast is a powerful yet simple iPhone podcast player. *Smart Speed* Pick up extra speed without distortion with Smart Speed, which dynamically shortens...

  • TiddlyMap icon


    TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that turns your favourite personal note taking software in a wiki-concept-map hybrid! Yes, you will be able to do both: drawing maps and putting down knowledge in a wiki way.

  • Naked Browser icon

    Naked Browser

    Naked Browser uses the Android WebView (WebKit) that's on your device--the same one used by the stock Browser. The developer has scoured the stock Browser code removing bloat, creating a lightweight, lightning-fast alternative.

  • QtWeb icon


    QtWeb Internet Browser - lightweight, secure and portable browser having unique user interface and privacy features.

  • Inkdrop icon


    The note-taking app with robust Markdown editor, supporting macOS, Windows, and Linux. This app is designed to be the most convenient way to make notes in Markdown for your daily hacking.