Wiktionary is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary, available in 158 languages.
Wiktionary is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary, available in 158 languages.
RealCalc Scientific Calculator Android's #1 Scientific Calculator. A fully featured scientific calculator which looks and operates like the real thing.
Comodo IceDragon is a fast and secure internet browser based on Mozilla Firefox and infused with Comodo security.
The free Zimbra Desktop client allows you to meld the online and offline worlds – storing and synching your email, calendar, contacts, files and documents in the cloud, yet having them locally accessible when on the road.
A reference management software, used for searching online publication databases, & managing publications / bibliographies, with the ability to insert the references into a word processor.
GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks. To provide complete and accurate simulations, GNS3 is strongly linked with: Dynamips, a Cisco IOS emulator.
OneSky (oneskyapp.com) is a simple & affordable translation service specialized in mobile apps (iOS, Android), e-commerce and websites, supporting 50+ languages.
Paradiso LMS a cloud LMS that is easy to use, fully customizable and integrates with 100+ popular software platforms. Ready-to-go learning management system helps you start your e-learning project within a couple of days. .
Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt framework.
UV Outliner is a small and powerful single-pane outliner. It is intended for creating, organizing, and collecting information.
jondofox is a profile for the mozilla firefox web browser particularly optimized for anonymous and secure web surfing. for anonymous surfing you need an ip changer proxy too.
Apertium is a rule-based machine translation platform. It is free software and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
EtherCalc is a web spreadsheet. Your data is saved on the web, and people can edit the same document at the same time. Everybody's changes are instantly reflected on all screens.
TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas.
A free and lightweight outliner, only 465KB in size. It allows you to store all your notes, emails, texts, hyperlinks, etc. into one or multiple plain-text databases.
Urho3D is a lightweight, cross-platform rendering and game engine implemented in C++ and released under the MIT license. Greatly inspired by OGRE and Horde3D.
Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer.