60 languages. 3 million lessons. Welcome to the world's largest language-learning service!
60 languages. 3 million lessons. Welcome to the world's largest language-learning service!
Qué Onda Spanish is the ultimate web app for learning Spanish with audio lessons, games, and an active questions and answers forum!
Learn A Language with Rocket Languages! If you want to learn Spanish, French, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian, American Sign Language or German fluently in the shortest...
Très Bien French is the ultimate web app for learning French with audio lessons, games, and an active questions and answers forum!
Upmind is the first smart gaming app that lets you learn foreign words fast and easy. Funny pics, enthralling tests and even live examples from Twitter. Learn while...
Speaking Cultures is a social network based on the concept of speak dating pair and share, where native language speakers exchange their language and culture with each...
Fastwiki is an Offline wikipedia software, support Linux, windows, and Android 2.1+ system, its feature is very fast search and fuzzy search, and provide convert tool...
The decision on what classroom management solution to purchase is critical because teachers will be using it in the classroom everyday. Heres why our current...
Software for Simulating Voltage and Currents of a text file net-list of a electronics components such as Resistors, Capacitors, inductors, transisters, Diodes, Voltage...
For engineers who want to expand the possibilities of power electronics. PSIM is the fastest and most reliable simulation tool. Built by engineers, for engineers.
PartSim is a free and full-featured SPICE circuit simulator that runs directly in your browser. PartSim schematic editor runs in your browser using javascript and...
TkGate is a event driven digital circuit simulator with a tcl/tk-based graphical editor. TkGate supports a wide range of primitive circuit elements as well as...
The Electric VLSI Design System is an open-source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including: Custom IC...
Cisco Packet Tracer mobile is a freely available network emulation stack centered around Cisco routers, firewalls, and switches. The mobile version is freely available...
StyleWriter edits any document. Articles, press releases, resumes and cover letters, technical manuals, speeches, ads, sales letters, proposals, legal documents...
Copyscape is a free plagiarism checker. The software lets you detect duplicate content and check if your articles are original.
This plagiarism check uses the best of both worlds. The plagiarism detection software from Ephorus and the enormous scientific database from Turnitin. Custom-made for...
PlagiarismCheck.org is a professional software that spots different types of plagiarism: exact matches, paraphrase plagiarism and synonymization.
Plagius is a plagiarism checker software that analyzes documents and searches for texts copied from the Internet.