TuxFamily is a non-profit organization. It provides free services for projects and contents dealing with the free software philosophy (free as in free speech, not as in...
TuxFamily is a non-profit organization. It provides free services for projects and contents dealing with the free software philosophy (free as in free speech, not as in...
Deveo is a code hosting and collaboration platform that supports Git, Subversion and Mercurial. You can use it self-hosted on your own-premises, or from multi-tenant...
A fairly bare-bones FOSS alternative to applications like ChatMapper and articy:draft to allow for people who don't necessarily have the money to license those...
textadventures.co.uk is a community of interactive fiction game makers and players. All games here are either playable in your web browser, or as an app for your...
Create interactive conversation simulations to train your employees for real-life conversations with clients and associates. Add the appropriate characters and...
Chat Mapper is a tool for writing and testing nonlinear dialogue, especially for video games.
apigen is the tool for creating professional api documentation from php source code, similar to phpdocumentor 2 . apigen has support for php 5.
Simplify your XML Comments! GhostDoc is a Visual Studio extension that automatically generates XML documentation comments for methods and properties based on their type...
Compose your own music and songs and arrange with a multi-track MIDI sequencer. Write ideas once and see how they sound in different chord progressions, with the...
The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer...
10Duke SDK is a rapid application development (RAD) kit for creating new online applications; it provides a modular, reusable set of libraries designed to meet the...
Home to appMobi XDK the world’s first cloud-powered mobile application development environment.
Use RegexMagic to generate complete regular expressions to your specifications by using RegexMagics flexible patterns, instead of the cryptic regex syntax.
The Regulator is an advanced Regular expressions testing tool, featuring syntax highlighting and web-service integration with Regexlib.coms database of online regular...
Music cloud is simple and clean ui MP3 Music Downloader, just download it for free. Best Free Music Player! This application is a huge source for MP3 downloading...
Authors description: "Snippet Compiler compiles snippets." A small app for writing and testing code snippets. Supports C# and VB.Net. Really usable when...
LINQ Insight is a Visual Studio add-in that allows to execute LINQ queries at design-time directly from Visual Studio without starting a debug session, allowing you to...
Small categorized catalog of the best free and open source software with fast downloads and regular updates.