DNS.com is the leading provider of Managed DNS, Enterprise DNS, and Geo-locational DNS (GeoDNS) services. Offering Authoritative, Anycast and CDN DNS hosting.
DNS.com is the leading provider of Managed DNS, Enterprise DNS, and Geo-locational DNS (GeoDNS) services. Offering Authoritative, Anycast and CDN DNS hosting.
UXCam lets you watch playback videos of your user using your product and help you figure out UX issues. . It takes 2 minutes to integrate and provides analytics...
Mobile analytics for decision makers. Amplitude can answer your most important business questions. As former app developers, we know how important it is for you to...
fabric provides real time alerts and analytics for apps powered by crashlytics and answers.
Gitbo aggregates public issues from GitHub and ranks them based on a popularity algorithm, so developers can easily find projects to make significant contributions.
The Indie Game Magazine (IGM) is an independently owned Indie Game magazine and web publication. IGM strives to provide the hottest Indie Game news, reviews and...
Toogit is an Online Platform for Freelancers & Employers to collaborate and work smart.Our vision is to help freelancers & clients across the globe work...
API DESIGN IS HARD Build beautiful APIs Collaborative design, instant API mock, generated documentation, integrated code samples, debugging and automated testing.
Motosha - Free Stock Photos is a Place for blogger, webmasters and designers to get free high quality photos.
Unlimited Access To Over 1 Million Royalty Free Stock Photos, Vector Illustrations, Clipart & more - for commercial & personal use. - No complicated licenses ...
Donorhut is a service for nonprofits, charities and organizations seeking help with raising funds online. Our service helps you simplify your fundraising efforts. All...
A lightweight HTML5 video player which includes support for captions and screen reader accessibility. For details, read the blog post Introducing an Accessible HTML5...
Julbul makes your YouTube videos look amazing anywhere they appear. We showcase them in 5 beautiful skins, offer unlimited color options to match your website's...
The smallest HTML5 player, awesome in performance. Turbo charged monetization: VAST 3.0/VPAID/VMAP/Google IMA.
Snip2Code is a free service that lets users search, share and collect code snippets, the basic bricks to build software apps.
Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator. Its code is based on three open source software packages: Spice3f5, Cider1b1 and Xspice. Ngspice is part of gEDA project, a full GPL'd suite of Electronic Design Automation tools.
Fopnu is P2P File Sharing System. 100% Free, Simple and Easy to Use. Contains NO Spyware and NO Ads. Fully decentralized network. All shared files are indexed locally.
ECCO stands for online code editor and compiler. It's a programming IDE which supports many languages and is accessed through the browser. In other words, isn't...
Stonehearth is a game of exploration and survival in an epic fantasy setting. Build your town, care for your hearthlings, and defend against marauding invaders.