Build your app in minutes. No vendor lock-in Deploy BaasBox anywhere you like with SDKs for iOS, Android and Javascript
Build your app in minutes. No vendor lock-in Deploy BaasBox anywhere you like with SDKs for iOS, Android and Javascript
Kumulos offers a multi-tenant mobile backend as a service and analytics solution that's designed for mobile app agencies. White labelled as their own it lets...
RipIt4Me is an application that will help you backup your protected DVDs. Recently released DVDs are now very often equipped with stronger copy protections - such as ARccOS and RipGuard DVD.
WinX Video Converter is a totally free SD/HD video converter software for Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.
Rake is a software task management and build automation tool. It allows you to specify tasks and describe dependencies as well as to group tasks in a namespace.
Tinyproxy is a light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems. It is free software, and supports transparent and reverse proxying.
Light weight crash reporting solution, we find the needle in the haystack, even the exact line of code that your app crashed on.
Partelo is where content creators and followers can interact - with paid questions, personalized video answers, rewards and more.
Here are some ports of common GNU utilities to native Win32. In this context, native means the executables do only depend on the Microsoft C-runtime (msvcrt.dll) and not...
Run any browser instantly online. Supports all release and beta versions of Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Opera.
Create custom maps to share and publish online with Google My Maps. You can make maps that show different kinds of information. FEATURES Create a map. Draw lines, shapes, or placemarks on the map.
Make maps from a list of multiple addresses, create a mobile optimized map or locator. Free hosting for your custom interactive map or locator.
Jane is Just Another Nasty Editor, designed to view and edit all kind of ASCII files. There are millions of similar editors already available, but the choice is yours:...
Virtual scrapbook for Desktop with a plain text editor. With Quicknote, in its resizable window you can jot down your notes and organize them in categories. Beneath the...
Explorer of Duniter communities network, to certify trusted peers, to generate an universal dividend, receive and send transactions.
Selfstarter makes it easy to roll your own crowdfunding site. To get started, fork this repository and change around config/settings.yml to suit your needs.
Cakebrew is the most convenient way to use Homebrew for your daily tasks! It does for Homebrew what Synaptics does to Linux package managers. From the Cakebrew UI, you...
A high performance web server. Small! (125k static Linux-x86 binary with HTTP, FTP and SMB support). Fast! (measure for yourself, please) Scalable!
Serv-U is the FTP server that is both secure and easy to use. Sharing files through the Internet is a smooth process with the industrys most popular FTP server.