TomTom GO Mobile
With TomTom GO Mobile you will have access to the best route available based on accurate, real-time traffic information that gets you to your destination faster, every day.
With TomTom GO Mobile you will have access to the best route available based on accurate, real-time traffic information that gets you to your destination faster, every day.
Map Business Online, America's fastest growing online mapping software, offers sales territory management, business data visualization, and multi-stop optimized routing tools for business professionals.
OpenStreetCam - the crowd sourced, free and open street level imagery platform for OpenStreetMap.
Digital Paint: Paintball 2 is a Paintball game that started out as a mod for quake 2 but then took on a life of its own as an open source fps game with a global player and clan management system.
Kryptex generates cryptocurrency and pays you bitcoins or real-world money. We've made things amazingly simple: just let Kryptex work and get paid. How much can you earn? It depends on the processing power of your PC and luck.
IconViewer is a free Windows Explorer extension that lets you easily view, copy, and save icons contained within programs and libraries. Open a files Properties box...
ifavicon.com is a comprehensive resource on favicons. We publish various tutorials and tips on using favicons properly and we also host multiple tools like favicon...
@icon sushi is an image to icon converter that supports the mask editor and the creation of Windows XP 32bit/Windows Vista format icons.
Loadout is an outrageous new multi-player shooter that’s all about the guns, baby! Build a massive variety of absolutely insane weaponry - billions of combinations - totally customized, totally unique, and totally deadly.
Gang Garrison 2 presents the player with 9 unique classes to use in frenetic, cooperative multiplayer action in a stylish and unique 8-bit style.
Dots Eater Battle online is an absorbing game requiring reaction and good strategy. Dots Eater Battle - it's a great remake of the original game Agar.io Develop...
A fast/skill based online multiplayer game where you compete to be the biggest player alive!.
PlaneShift is a Free Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Free? That's right, by making the software's code available for all, PlaneShift allows anyone to improve the game for the benefit of all.
Experience the EverQuest universe. Vast worlds of Fantasy and Magic await daring adventurers in EverQuest, EverQuest II and EverQuest Online Adventures.
Multiplayer strategy game that allows users to rule a country, be an entrepreneur or gather your fellow citizens to start a resistance war. eRepublik the online strategy game.
TripleA is a free (under GPL) turn based strategy game based on Axis & Allies board game. A wide variety of map scenarios have been developed for TripleA (World War II, Punic Wars, Napoleonic wars, etc.
Great Little War Game is a 3D turn based strategy game from Rubicon. Take charge of your army and defend your strongholds against enemy attack.
Prince of Persia is a video game franchise created by Jordan Mechner, originally developed and published by Brøderbund, then the Learning Company, and currently Ubisoft.
A free-and-open-source first-person-shooter aimed at improving the classic game, AssaultCube!
Take part in an epic and ever-changing FINAL FANTASY as you adventure and explore with friends from around the world. Experience all the hallmarks of the best-selling franchise - airships, chocobos, moogles, and more!