The Best 879 Cryptocurrencies Alternatives

  • Microsoft Photos icon

    Microsoft Photos

    You can use the Photos app to view or edit photos and videos in your Pictures library and on OneDrive, and to import photos and videos.

  • Skrill icon


    Skrill (formerly known as Moneybookers) is the cheaper way to send and receive money worldwide. Secure and convenient online payments. More than 10 million customers and 50,000 merchants.

  • That One Privacy Site icon

    That One Privacy Site

    A neutral and comprehensive analysis and reviews of the benefits and drawbacks of commercial VPN and email services, with a particular focus on security, privacy, ethics and functionality.

  • AskBot icon


    Askbot is a Q&A system, like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers and some others. Askbot is based on code of CNPROG, originally created by Mike Chen and Sailing Cai and some code written for OSQA.

  • EuroOffice icon


    eurooffice is the name of a free and open-source and libreoffice derivative and a set of accompanying free and non-free extensions.

  • ShapeShift icon

    ShapeShift is an instant exchange for cryptocurrencies. Buy or sell Bitcoin, Litecoin and other coins easily without an account. API available.

  • Open Freely icon

    Open Freely

    Open Freely: the Easiest Way To Open ALL Files For FREE! Edit, Print & Save All Microsoft Office Files One Program To Open Many File Types - Over 100 Types Supported Built For Windows.

  • Viralicious icon


    Laugh with funny jokes about blondes, yo mama, science, family, funny memes, funny Facebook statuses, quotes and much more!

  • icon

    Own Bitcoin Wallets BTC/BCC/BCH & E-Currency Account In-One-Box.

  • ImBatch icon


    ImBatch is a batch image processor with a nice graphical user interface. It will allow you to edit multiple image files at the click of a button by using scripts. The script will be created by combining Tasks.

  • BorderMaker icon


    BorderMaker is a freeware Java tool that enables you to create borders, text and watermarks that can be placed on digital photos. Besides creating nice borders around photos, there is a lot of more stuff you can do with BorderMaker.

  • Joeffice icon


    Joeffice is a free and open source office software written in Java. It includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, database and drawing. It works on Windows, Mac...

  • Snapzu icon


    Snapzu is basically reddit alternative. It is a bit better looking, and the community is rather small so far, but growing.

  • OSQA icon


    OSQA is the free, open source Q&A system you've been waiting for. Your OSQA site is more than just an FAQ page, it is a full-featured Q&A community.

  • Spread32 icon


    Spread32 is a mini-Excel with all of the basic features that you would expect in a competent spreadsheet program. Run macros, draw objects, generate charts, calculate...

  • Heroic Labs Managed Cloud icon

    Heroic Labs Managed Cloud

    Grow and scale your games effortlessly with Nakama. Managed Cloud ensures your Nakama servers are always available, regularly backed up and can be scaled up in a moment's notice for your games and apps.

  • 99Stack hosting icon

    99Stack hosting

    Cloud hosting made simple with a generous amount of locations, managed apps and hourly billing.

  • Groestlcoin icon


    GroestlCoin (GRS) is a peer-to-peer Internet cryptocurrency utilizing the Groestl algorithm that enables instant payments to anyone in the world.

  • Orient DB icon

    Orient DB

    The Document-Graph database supports SQL and Native Queries, asynchronous commands, intents, and much more.

  • Armory icon


    armory is an open source wallet management platform for the bitcoin network.