TabTrader is a ticker terminal for bitcoin (altcoin or cryptocurrencies) exchanges: Bitstamp, Kraken, ItBit, HitBTC, Bitbay, Bter, Bitfinex, Bitmarket, GDAX, Gemini, Bleutrade, QUOINE, Bittrex, BL3P, Poloniex, EXMO, CEX.
TabTrader is a ticker terminal for bitcoin (altcoin or cryptocurrencies) exchanges: Bitstamp, Kraken, ItBit, HitBTC, Bitbay, Bter, Bitfinex, Bitmarket, GDAX, Gemini, Bleutrade, QUOINE, Bittrex, BL3P, Poloniex, EXMO, CEX.
Previsionibitcoin.it is a rock solid project to predict prices of all altcurrencies and crypto token like Bitcoin Ripple Ethereum and many others.
Bitcoin Ticker - To the Moon! pulls all the current bitcoin prices from the major bitcoin exchanges and places it conveniently in the top of your screen.
Track your favorite crypto-currency in real-time across the most popular exchanges. Developed by digital currency enthusiasts, Coinage extends the Mac OSX status menu into a live ticker detailing current Bitcoin and Litecoin rates.
Cryptocurrency ticker, news, alerts and portfolio with support for all traded (1000+) cryptocurrencies and tokens.
With the Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet you can send and receive Bitcoins using your mobile phone. The unparalleled cold storage functionality allows you to 100% secure your funds until you are ready to spend them.
explorer for localbitcoins is an application for localbitcoins.com that allows you to update advertisements, message contacts, release trades, view profiles, or receive bitcoin into your localbitcoins wallet.
Smart Digital Wallet for Ethereum based tokens. Includes asset managment, market watch and dApps.
The Lykke Wallet iOS and Android apps make it simple for you to trade digital currencies and assets on the Lykke Exchange, our next-generation trading platform with zero commission.
Blockchain timestamping and certification Software as a Service , SaaS. Woleet offers a BaaS (Blockchain as a service) platform with the following features : .
Crypto Obfuscator For .Net provides advanced code protection, obfuscation and optimization for your .
Cosmo is your gateway to easy cryptocurrency management. Take control of your investments and stay organized with multiple portfolios, exchange syncing and thousands of coins.
Icono Maker is an icon maker for Windows. It is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for editing Windows icons and small images.
Store and manage digital currencies with ease in the smart and beautiful mobile-first cryptocurrency wallets developed by Freewallet.
IQeon is the first platform where players can earn money thanks to their intelligence and achievements.
Easily track all your crypto coin holdings * Charts 1 year price history * Multi-currency support * Individual coin pages * Import/Export
Handle multiple portfolios, showing chart data on portfolio performance and live value in BTC and major fiats, exporting/importing portfolio data, as well as displaying all major cryptocurrencies live trading data and historical...