Exchange Rate IQ
Search and comparison platform for international money transfer. Discover all options to send money from USA to over 50 countries to find best exchange rates and lowest...
Search and comparison platform for international money transfer. Discover all options to send money from USA to over 50 countries to find best exchange rates and lowest...
Exilend is Friends & Family Lending platform which brings lenders and borrowers together and help create & track loans, provides payment reminders, extensive...
Frank makes it easy to lend and borrow money between friends and family, using state-of-the-art, bank-grade security.
Ledge is the simple way to borrow money from friends and family- and automatically pay them back on the terms that you choose. FEATURES • Get the money to go on...
ZimpleMoney takes the time, frustration and poor memory out of family and friend loans and intra family loans. FEATURES Convenient and simple online set-up ...
Allows you to centralized monitor computer's performance and reliability, manage and run apps remotely, inventory computers in your network for hardware...
RDPRemote is a tool that allows to connect to any Windows computer, from anywhere using RDP or VNC protocols. RDPRemote uses Windows Remote Desktop Connection...
Free Open-Source Remote Administration Tool for Windows Quasar is a fast and light-weight remote administration tool coded in C#. Providing high stability and an...
Securely connect to any desktop, server, mobile device, attended or unattended endpoints through remote access. Provide remote IT support, systems management, automate...
Developed for blind computer users, SuperNova Screen Reader is a software screen reader that works by reading the screen interactively and communicating through a speech...
GW Micro is an adaptive technology vendor, providing high quality solutions for blind and visually impaired. Window-Eyes is nothing less than the most stable screen...
We work with B2B companies to create inbound sales funnels that create bring warm leads.
A better way to schedule your team. Join the thousands of teams around the world using Float to keep track of who's working on what and when. Powerful...
SmarteQM, Test Management Software, Test Management System - SmarteSoft for the best Smarte QM Test Management Tools Software for Test Environment, Construction...
Test Project Management. Easy management of requirements, test cases, test runs, test results, test resources, documentation and more. Simplistic and highly efficient...
Test plan and test case management software. Improve quality assurance and track your project
Free, open source portfolio management software written in Java. Web site is in German, but the application is in English if run on a non-German system.
Earn chances to win prizes like gift cards, vacations, and even a $2 million prize every time you save money and pay off debt with SaveUp! SAVEUP HELPS YOU - Keep...