MagCloud, the revolutionary new self-publishing web service from HP, is changing the way ideas, stories, and images find their way into peoples’ hands in a printed...
MagCloud, the revolutionary new self-publishing web service from HP, is changing the way ideas, stories, and images find their way into peoples’ hands in a printed...
Read news from Y-Combinator's Hackernews feed using an elegant, Pinterest-like layout, complete with thumbnails and Likes!
Yet another hacker news reader with offline mode. Features: Offline mode by default. Means the client will download everything, including news feed, posts and...
Yarn for Hacker News is a beautiful, full featured app for browsing and interacting with Hacker News. Features: • Beautiful and intuitive material interface • ...
Find, create and share lists. Socially curated lists. Login with Facebook Twitter Google Github Instagram
Free - Families Online Magazine Download the app and receive a free monthly magazine Every issue brings you the information you need to be a successful parent, keep...
Fallen London is a deep and compelling, though ever humorous, journey of interactive fiction set in the dark Victorian-Gothic underworld. It's played in classic...
The Frankenstein Wars is a storybook adventure based on the classic tale of Frankenstein and set during the Napoleonic era in revolutionary France. It features a...
Auto-cannibalism. Demonic Seduction. Occult Rituals. Bloodfeasting Worms. This Book Is A Dungeon has it all and more. This dark, horrific Twine-based dungeon crawler...
Wizard's Choice is a series of RPG text-based adventures that will engross you in a storyline while allowing you to make the decisions that will determine your fate.
Hirundo (Latin for 'Swift') is a convenient way to browse and follow the discussions in the Swift mailing lists like Swift-Evolution or Swift-Dev.
A Cloud Platform for Data Science and Big Data Analytics Collaborate on, scale, and deploy data analysis and advanced analytics projects radically faster. Use the most...
We have built the World's Most Comprehensive Advanced Analytics Platform for Big Data. Our goal is to help your company drive business value from your Big Data...
Run your code faster, without the infrastructure hassle Domino makes it easy to run your Python, R, MATLAB, and Julia code on more powerful hardware with one command...
SQL meets collaboration. Mode is designed and built for analysts who fuel data-driven companies: write SQL, share ad-hoc analysis, and build powerful visualizations to...
SAP Sybase IQ, a highly optimized analytics server software which provides business intelligence through column-based oriented architecture tool for data warehousing and...
icCube's Analytical Engine. A real time, in-memory, high-performance, high-scalability multi-dimensional, MDX+ / OLAP Server.
FREE ACESS Data Sources: Adobe Analytics, Doubleclick, Adwords, Facebook, Bing, Kochava, Youtube. Soon Twitter & Salesforce. Supported Databases: Amazon Redshift...