The Best 1756 Books News Alternatives

  • ReadHQ icon


    All your favorite feeds in one place. ReadHQ is a new RSS reader which allows you to import, add, manage, organize and enjoy your feeds.

  • Gazette icon


    Subscribe to your favorite blogs, websites, and publications and receive a weekly, personalized ebook to read and highlight on your iPad, iPhone, Kindle, or other device that supports ePub or Mobi formats.

  • RSS Reader Pro icon

    RSS Reader Pro

    A simple, powerful and fast RSS Reader with advanced features like Search, Tagging, Sharing, Full Screen Reading, and More. Try it free for 14 days.

  • Feed2Mail icon


    Feed2Mail notifies you when your favorite feeds and websites are updated.

  • ZXReader icon


    ZXReader is an e-book reader for Symbian s60 3rd or 5th edition mobile phones.

  • Bibliovore icon


    Manage, organise and read your eBooks with Bibliovore. Share your books across various devices with OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive).

  • HireOwl icon


    HireOwl connects startups to talented university students for internships and freelance projects that boost productivity and growth.

  • Slidos icon


    Slidos is a webbased news aggregator/rss reader - Allows to add and share rss feeds - Build groups of interesting rss feeds and share - Mark/Unmark interesting news - Filter articles based on keywords - No extra software/app required ...

  • Newsflash Plus icon

    Newsflash Plus

    Newsflash Plus is a powerful Usenet binary reader which provides lots of advanced features like integration with archivers and media players, automatic par2 archives repair, scripting via the embedded Python interpreter and much more.

  • Boxnutt icon


    Boxnutt is a place to share things on the web that interest you. Use Boxnutt to discover what's new and popular on the web.

  • Readerware Book Database icon

    Readerware Book Database

    The easiest, fastest way to catalog your books, nothing else comes close. If you love books, are an avid reader, collector, researcher or anyone who needs to maintain a library of books, then Readerware is a must-have product.

  • ToTheZeroth News icon

    ToTheZeroth News

    ToTheZeroth News is a cloud-hosted RSS/Atom feed reading service. It was originally designed to replace Google Reader's smartphone-oriented interface, which was great not only for smartphones but also for desktop browser sidebars.

  • DodoFeed icon


    DodoFeed aggregates the best links from Blogs, Reddit and Youtube Channels to give you a flow of information. You can browse links in several user made categories and sign in to create and share your own.

  • PressReader icon


    PressReader enables you to download your favorite publication on your PC, laptop, Tablet PC or mobile device or e-Reader, allowing you to read publications when you are without an Internet connection.

  • Commentum icon


    A Social Network without voting or likes, just comments. The more momentum your entry builds, the higher it get in the feed.

  • Busk icon


    Busk is a personalized service to consumer news. Find, read, share and collect relevant content without wasting time.

  • BuyVia icon


    Select products you would like to see deals for, stores you like and BuyVia will automatically send you personalized deals.

  • Booxter icon


    Deep Prose makes Booxter, the world's best book, music, movie and comic book collection software for the Macintosh

  • FeedWind icon


    FeedWind is a free RSS widget that can be created in just a few minutes and copy pasted into mearly any web page or site. FeedWind contains a feed aggregator, filters, and many other great features.