The Best 1756 Books News Alternatives

  • GrabIt icon


    GrabIt is a free application that enables you to easily find and download content from Usenet news servers. The familiar looking interface makes selecting and downloading files intuitive and easy.

  • Forekast icon


    Events on Forekast are posted and voted on by the community. Users can then add comments to share even more knowledge. Subscribe or unsubscribe from various categories, to see only what you want.

  • VideoPsalm icon


    Free Christian lyrics and Bible verses presentation software, accelerated! Designed for evangelical churches. Compatible with PowerPoint.

  • alt.binz icon


    alt.binz is a powerful binary newsreader, for downloading and managing articles from Usenet. Checking the downloaded files, auto unpausing missing PAR2 blocks, repairing, and finally unraring them, are just a few options in this utility.

  • Simple Comic icon

    Simple Comic

    Comics Simplified Page Layout: Pages laid out as they would be in print Page Ordering: Left to right or right to left Page Scaling: Original size, window fit and horizontal fit Fullscreen: Maximize viewing area Archive Handling:...

  • MochaRoll icon


    Follow your favorite blogs, websites, and social networks with a beautifully organized interface! Are you seeking the news and reviews for the hottest topics? Do you want to get all stories and experiences in one place? Yes! It’s the...

  • Player FM icon

    Player FM is a podcast player you can use in your browser. A podcast is a recurring audio programme delivered over the internet. Player FM makes it easy to discover and listen to online news and views on thousands of topics.

  • Buzzsprout icon


    The easiest way to host, promote and track your podcast. Buzzsprout provides step-by-step guides to help you get your podcast online, into iTunes, and to your listeners. Free plans available.

  • NimbleNotes icon


    NimbleNotes is an online note taking and study platform, designed to help students learn more efficiently.

  • Inkdrop icon


    The note-taking app with robust Markdown editor, supporting macOS, Windows, and Linux. This app is designed to be the most convenient way to make notes in Markdown for your daily hacking.

  • Kliqqi icon


    Kliqqi - formerly known as Pligg CMS - is a powerful content management system that lets you to easily create a social network or online social community similar to Facebook, Reddit, or Twitter.

  • Hubski icon


    Hubski is a community for sharing thoughtful information and conversation. Here you can find interesting stories, ideas and events, and share what interests you with...

  • SuperNotecard icon


    SuperNotecard is an intuitive tool that uses notecards to capture and organize your ideas. These virtual notecards can be moved into decks, arranged on the screen, or grouped and categorized with ease.

  • Fetching icon

    Fetching saves you time by helping you to easily find webpages you've seen before. It's like your own personal Google: a search engine for all the webpages you've seen. It's automatic.

  • AppInsights icon


    Gain insights and make informed decisions by letting you consolidate, visualize, and share your business's key metrics.

  • Grafana icon


    Open-source metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, Elasticsearch, OpenTSDB, Prometheus and InfluxDB.

  • wheatt icon


    Wheatt is an online bookmarking tool that allows you to to quickly save links, and then search them in every useful way imaginable, in any combination.

  • Lobsters icon


    lobsters is a technology-focused link-aggregation site. the site is driven by ruby on rails with the source code being freely available for those seeking to create a site similar to reddit or hackernews.

  • Documents icon


    Documents is a document viewer and media player for your iPhone and iPad. Read books, watch video and listen to music directly on your device. Documents is perfect to view all common file formats, annotate PDFs and create text files.

  • Wachete icon


    Track web page changes and get notified. Free Sign-up. Have all data in one place